Free accelerometer remote control for Corona Simulator

Hi, we’ve published a free open source library for debugging accelerator events directly in the simulator (using a phone that connects and sends these events through a tcp socket).

I just needed this for our current project and only found tools that cost around $50 for something I know how to do quite easily :slight_smile:

FYI, there might be still bugs, I myself am using it for only 2 days… but the idea is very simple:

a client app installed on your phone registers for the desired event (in our case accelerometer but can be any kind of event).

each time the registered event handler is called we serialize the event object to a string and send it though the local network to a defined IP.

on the simulator you just add a “require( “remoteEvents” )” line which initiates a TCP server that listens for the client and once connected just read lines from the socket and deserialize them back into event objects which are dispatched as if they are the actual hardware event.

Feel free to comment or let us know by email if you have any questions:


this project is still alive?



Hi, I’m not sure about the tool mentioned above, but I did have some success with Corona Remote.

The site says it costs $10, but the developer released it for free last year on the App Store.


this project is still alive?



Hi, I’m not sure about the tool mentioned above, but I did have some success with Corona Remote.

The site says it costs $10, but the developer released it for free last year on the App Store.