[FREE, Android] Ball Smashes Block - new game

Just released my latest game - first time on these new forums. This one is still corona - not sure if solar is up and ready yet.

Check it out and give me some feedback (and a review) if you havetime - thanks.

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I didn’t find in italian market. Is just the second one of games. Why you don’t put it ?


Thanks for looking - sorry it is released everywhere but has only just gone live - so maybe it hasn’t update in Italy yet - hopefully you might try again tomorrow and it will be there :slight_smile:

Ciao Joe,
at present today is still not present. ; (

some people have it from italy so it is definitely there now - but google seems to take some time for its searching to find it. try to put quotes around the name - “Ball smashes block”

I found it!

very cute and intriguing.

The typical game that seems simple but actually presents non-trivial difficulties.
The translation is good.

Only this: the texts come out of the buttons, I am attaching a photo.


Thank you for checking it out - yes I probably should work on testing the translations layout a bit better. Thanks for the heads up.