From The Blog: Appodeal plugin update

Appodeal Intelligent Ad MediationSeveral months ago, Corona Labs added a fantastic monetization plugin with Appodeal. For those that missed the announcement, Appodeal is specifically an ad mediation plugin. This means that they include several distinct ad providers in a single plugin which you can drop into your game — you don’t need to include multiple ad plugins to get a high fill rate; they claim to deliver a near 100% fill while making sure your game gets quality, high-eCPM ads.

If you’re already using Appodeal, we have made some major updates to the plugin to make it even better! Simply re-build your app to utilize the latest Appodeal plugin and take advantage of these features:

  • Ability to disable auto-caching
  • Manual loading of ads
  • Select which specific types of ads to serve
  • Improved event and error handling
  • Support for placements defined in the Appodeal dashboard

To learn more about Appodeal, check out our documentation, and join us in the Corona forums with questions and comments.

Implement Appodeal

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