This is a tail of two best friends, Graham Ransom (programmer) and Simon Pearce (artist) since college. Even though they went to difference universities, both went to study game development. They started Glitch Games in January 2012 working on kids educational titles. Within a month they met their first 48 hour game jam and tried to build an adventure game.
The result was a title called The Hauntening which went on to win that game jam. They ended up releasing the game in the App Store for free to see if there was any interest in it. The feed back was positive and they began working on their first full-fledged adventure game. Eight months later, Forever Lost: Episode 1 was released for iOS and Android. Since then they have completed the trilogy and a free prequel game.
Graham first discovered Corona SDK in 2009 when Corona was a fledgling framework. When he and Simon formed Glitch Games it only made sense to continue using Corona SDK.
Having been around for a while, it’s safe to call Graham a pioneer in mobile adventure games and an early adapter of Corona Labs technologies as they come out. This includes our recent desktop support. Not only is the full suite of games available on Apple’s App Store, Google Play and Amazon, it’s also available on both OS X and Windows desktops. In addition they have built their own adventure framework that sits on top of Corona SDK called Serenity that allows them to rapidly build adventure games.
When asked “Why Corona?” Graham said “If it wasn’t for Corona, Forever Lost wouldn’t exist today. We’d most likely have to go get real jobs.” With multiple-millions of downloads across all the the stores, Glitch games is one of the proverbial success stories for indie studios. Forever Lost has been #1 in multiple countries, and short listed for the TIGA awards a couple of years ago.
Graham likes Corona for ease of development and quick iteration. Their first kids apps were turned around in less than a month. Their full adventure games take around eight months to build. Graham’s advice to those new to app development? “Download Corona and start making a game!”
With a great idea and patience you can built successful games with Corona SDK. Dream, Build, Ship!