From The Blog: Corona Blitz 2017 coming up soon!

ecol7kDo you have four hours to spare over the next week? Want to see if you can build a fun game in those four hours? If so, you’re a perfect candidate for Corona Blitz 2017!

What is Corona Blitz?

Corona Blitz is a community-driven “for fun” game development challenge with the following basic guidelines:

  • You will be given the theme prior to the starting time and you must build a functioning game within four hours between April 1-8, 2017.
  • You can either do all of your development in one 4-hour block or four 1-hour blocks.
  • At the end of the submission period, you will have until April 15, 2017 to vote on your favorite entires.
  • You can make multiple submissions, but each submission can take no more than four hours to develop.

You can find the details and rules on the Official Corona Blitz 2017 home page. If you’re planning to participate, please join the discussion about Corona Blitz in the community forums.

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