From The Blog: Corona Marketplace Contest: Simple Game Templates

Corona Labs invites you to participate in our next Marketplace contest! This time, your mission is to build a simple game template — code, art, and audio that can be used by other Corona developers as a template/foundation for their dream game. Entries will go into the Corona Marketplace for others to download and modify (see below).

The game should be “eye-catching and simple” — think of games like Flappy Bird or 2048 where the mechanics are very basic but the game is challenging. Many of the most successful games were built around the concept of simplicity and the ability to just “jump right in” and play.

Submission Details

  • All templates submitted through our Submit a Product form from February 23, 2017 until March 24, 2017 will be eligible for this contest. Please review our Vendor FAQ to learn more about the submission process.
  • The game must load and play in the Corona Simulator — do not include features or plugins that require building for a device. For this contest, the focus is gameplay.
  • Your product, if approved, will be offered for sale before the deadline — it simply needs to be submitted before March 24, 2017 to be eligible for the contest.
  • All candidate submissions must be available for permanent inclusion in the Corona Marketplace.
  • Corona Labs reserves the right to use submissions for promotional purposes.
  • If you (the developer) no longer intend to maintain the template for any reason, Corona Labs reserves the right to “adopt” it and continue to maintain it.


Grand PrizeBose QC35 Wireless Headphones + a higher revenue share for your product for 6 months (85%).

Runner-Up Prize – A higher revenue share for your product for 6 months (85%).

Honorable Mentions – In case we need to recognize any other solid submissions that didn’t quite make the cut; a higher revenue share for your product for 3 months (80%).

Of course all recognized products will be featured (with the green “Featured” banner) in the marketplace.

Ready, Set, Go!

Get those creative juices flowing! If you need any clarifications about this contest, please ask in the Corona Forums. We’re excited to see what you come up with!

Submit Your Entry

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There was a question that came up:  Can I include ads in the project?

The answer is complex so bear with me. We would love for you to have working ad code in your submission. However, you do not want to publish your code with your API keys in it. It’s a template and end users would need to setup their account and Apps with the ad provider to get it to work.

This leads back to the “It must run in the simulator” rule. Corona Labs will have several people judge each game. It’s not practical for us to have to set up multiple ad provider accounts, edit, build, and run the game on devices to decide how great your game is.  

So by all means, include the ad code, but make sure it doesn’t interfere with game play in the simulator. In other words, having to view an interstitial ad to get to the next level will make judging the game difficult.


Hope that helps!

I’d like to suggest that we extend this competition’s deadline a little.  I know I am having trouble getting my games in fast enough.  I don’t know if this is possible, but I wanted to float the request.

I just posted a progress report HERE, and while this may seem like good progress to some, I have yet to meet what I believe are the real terms / requirements of this compo.  i.e. I need to make more modern games/templates.

After speaking with the principles involved, we are going to extend the contest for two more weeks. The new deadline is Friday, April 7.

Lets see more good stuff!


It is so quiet here, when and where will be the anouncement of the winners? (I hope my submission arrived in time and at the right place, necer got any feedback).


We should start looking at the submissions sometime this coming week. Hopefully today I can pull out a list of contenders an share with the team that will be judging the competition. We will all have to download an run the entry as well as check out the code, so it’s going to take a little time to get through them.

Bear with us!


Just to be sure, what template did you submit?

Nevermind, I searched the ticketing system for your email and found your submission. It’s live in the store.


Ah ok, no problems.

I imagine that it will take some time to evaluate the entries, just wanted to confirm that this competition is still alive.



There was a question that came up:  Can I include ads in the project?

The answer is complex so bear with me. We would love for you to have working ad code in your submission. However, you do not want to publish your code with your API keys in it. It’s a template and end users would need to setup their account and Apps with the ad provider to get it to work.

This leads back to the “It must run in the simulator” rule. Corona Labs will have several people judge each game. It’s not practical for us to have to set up multiple ad provider accounts, edit, build, and run the game on devices to decide how great your game is.  

So by all means, include the ad code, but make sure it doesn’t interfere with game play in the simulator. In other words, having to view an interstitial ad to get to the next level will make judging the game difficult.


Hope that helps!

I’d like to suggest that we extend this competition’s deadline a little.  I know I am having trouble getting my games in fast enough.  I don’t know if this is possible, but I wanted to float the request.

I just posted a progress report HERE, and while this may seem like good progress to some, I have yet to meet what I believe are the real terms / requirements of this compo.  i.e. I need to make more modern games/templates.

After speaking with the principles involved, we are going to extend the contest for two more weeks. The new deadline is Friday, April 7.

Lets see more good stuff!


It is so quiet here, when and where will be the anouncement of the winners? (I hope my submission arrived in time and at the right place, necer got any feedback).


We should start looking at the submissions sometime this coming week. Hopefully today I can pull out a list of contenders an share with the team that will be judging the competition. We will all have to download an run the entry as well as check out the code, so it’s going to take a little time to get through them.

Bear with us!


Just to be sure, what template did you submit?

Nevermind, I searched the ticketing system for your email and found your submission. It’s live in the store.


Ah ok, no problems.

I imagine that it will take some time to evaluate the entries, just wanted to confirm that this competition is still alive.

