If you haven’t peeked into the Corona Marketplace recently, it now offers dozens of plugins and assets, from art packs to audio tracks to useful utility plugins. Periodically, we will highlight a few exciting products which can help you develop your dream app using Corona.
Firebase Auth
Need another awesome tool in your Firebase suite for Corona apps? The Firebase Auth plugin allows you to log in through Firebase Auth for iOS 8.0+ and Android 4.0+.
RPG Music Collection – Vol 1
RPGs are always enhanced by a compelling soundtrack. This excellent audio pack features 10 loopable music tracks, great for RPGs, JRPGs, adventure games, dungeon crawlers, and more!
4-Directional Game Character Sprites
This pack is suitable for 4-directional games, shooting games, running games, platform games, and side-scrolling games. Includes both .PNG and 3D Blender files!