I believe the Linux interest is in being able to use Linux as a platform to develop from and produce Android/HTML5 apps. However, any Linux support will come as baby steps.
Consoles are not a developer’s utopia. You frequently have to get a developer account with the platform, pitch ideas to them, get the idea approved in advance. You likely will have to buy their development hardware, which could run several hundred to several thousand dollars. You may have to meet rules like being a business entity and not an individual. At a minimum forming an LLC for this purpose can run you several hundred dollars with annual filing fees.
Sony for instance also requires you to have a static IP address (which typically costs money, your home Internet is most likely dynamic IP allocation based) and you have to have a real email address, not something from Gmail/Hotmail etc. This means having a website on a hosting service and email accounts tied to that domain. These all have ongoing fees. The platform may also charge you a per game or per-account fee as well. It’s definitely not like mobile where anyone can create an account, upload a packaged file, submit it, get it approved and get going.
I think many people may assume “Oh let’s build for Console Type X, output a package, upload it, and watch the bucks start rolling in”. It doesn’t work that way. I just want to set some realistic expectations on what it means to develop for consoles. Microsoft seems to be moving more to the Apple/Google model with their Store model and support for UWP builds. This could be a reasonable path to Xbox One support.