Welcome to this week’s From the Forum. In this post, we highlight a few Corona Community Forums posts that cover important topics.
Around and around we go!
Games that play in circles are popular, but how do you get a Corona object to move inside another circle? Forum superstar RoamingGamer jumped into this thread to give some great advice.
Easy layouts
Corona developer lsoaresesilva7 recently dropped a gem in the forums: a layout library that he’s been putting together which will take an XML file and draw objects on the screen. It’s a work in progress, but you should check it out!
Functions, functions, functions
Lua has multiple ways to create a function. Which method is better than the other? In this thread, several developers chimed in with advice.
Do you have a particular forum thread that was helpful for you? Let us know about it! Email support@coronalabs.com, put FTF: and the forum title in the subject, and include the URL in the email. We will consider adding it to an upcoming edition of From the Forum.