Welcome to this week’s From the Forum. In this post, we highlight a few Corona Community Forums posts that cover important topics.
Migrating Enterprise
Corona has been offering our native builds as part of the core for a while now. There has been considerable modernization of the App template that projects are based upon. Several Enterprise developers are wanting to move forward and this thread covers various ways to move from the legacy Enterprise template to the modern Native template.
Pushing objects
Trying to add linear impulse to objects should make them move straight, but you can also get your objects to move oddly too. This thread helps “ straighten out ” that movement.
Looping or events?
The original poster wanted to know the best way to move objects in a back-and-forth manner. Corona offers several ways to do this and our great development community stepped up in this thread to offer some suggestions.
Do you have a particular forum thread that was helpful for you? Let us know about it! Email support@coronalabs.com, put FTF: and the forum title in the subject, and include the URL in the email. We will consider adding it to an upcoming edition of From the Forum.