Welcome to this week’s From the Forum. In this post, we highlight a few Corona Community Forums posts that cover important topics.
Going Indie?
Many Corona developers start out as solo developers. Some may start as artists, others as programmers and some with skills in both. But when is it time to partner up with someone or work on a team? Should you use a publisher to help with marketing? In this thread, a developer asks these questions and got great responses.
Into the Shadows
Many 2D games don’t need dynamic shadows, but when you do, how do you go about it? Corona developer @XeduR has come up with a pretty unique approach. Learn more about what he’s doing in this thread.
Old Game Dev vs. Modern Game Dev
Corona community rock star @roaminggamer has posed a very thoughtful question: What modern dev tools make your life easier today that would have required a lot of code in the golden day of game development? Jump into this thread and add your opinion on the things that have impacted you the most.
Do you have a particular forum thread that was helpful for you? Let us know about it! Email support@coronalabs.com, put FTF: and the forum title in the subject, and include the URL in the email. We will consider adding it to an upcoming edition of From the Forum.