Today we present to you several articles on a range of game design topics which can help you build better, more compelling games!
11 Tips for Making a Fun Platformer
In this post, the author covers topics like handling collision boundaries, managing jumps over gaps, and more. The article also discusses how to make a basic AI and asks you to think about atmosphere and story.
How to Design an Annuity
In real life, an annuity is a financial transaction where you invest a sum of money up front, get paid back in smaller payments over time, and the total of those payments add up to more than you invested. Although it may sound unusual, you can use similar transactions within your in-game economy! This article outlines ways to implement this concept in your game and increase user engagement.
Rapid Game Prototyping: Tips for Programmers
One reason developers love Corona is the speed at which they can develop their game. A key aspect of this is prototyping , for example quickly learning if a game mechanic is going to work or not — but how can you test parts of your game while others aren’t complete? This article goes into these type of discussions and more.