From The Blog: Introducing DoubleClick Ad Exchange

coronaadsWe have some exciting news on the ad monetization front! Starting today, using Corona Ads, you can tap into the same advertiser demand as AdMob via an integration with Google’s DoubleClick Ad Exchange (AdX).

This new source of demand accomplishes several great things. First and foremost, using Corona Ads, you get AdX’s incredible tier-1 worldwide fill rate and high-value ads, including video ads. Secondly, it makes implementing Google-based ads very simple via built-in monetization through your Corona Developer Center portal. Finally, it clears up some technical hurdles involved with the legacy Google AdMob plugin, as outlined below.

Sunsetting AdMob

As you may be aware, some newer plugins like Google Play Games Services and Google Analytics are incompatible with our old AdMob plugin. As a result — and because of this new source of high-value AdX ads — we will retire the AdMob plugin on January 1, 2017 and it will be removed from our system. As a result, if you wish to continue using Google-based ads in your apps, please migrate to Corona Ads so that you can take advantage of Google AdX. On January 1, 2017, existing Corona-built apps already deployed to the market will continue to work, but you will no longer be able to build new apps with the AdMob plugin.

Implementing Corona Ads / AdX

As of this announcement, you can begin using AdX by implementing Corona Ads. Just take a look at our integration docs and get started today!

For those developers already using Corona Ads, you can take advantage of AdX by simply re-building and re-submitting your apps. That’s it!

Start Monetizing Now

Questions or feedback? Please join us in the Corona Forums to discuss Corona Ads and AdX.

View the full article

I just had to re-read that 10 times to make sure, you are removing admob???

While I appreciate adX and do see the advantages, admob is still a industry standard which I’m sure a lot of us use. Having to switch ad networks means changing source of income, when one has a lot of apps it can become quite messy. simply because you don’t want to update a ‘industry standard’ ad network plugin is making me question the integrity of this.

I understand you guys need to increase Corona revenue, and since:

A) Admob is the most reliable way for developers to put ads in their app. It may not be the best ad platform all the time, but in average it’s good enough, it’s backed by Google instead of the tons of ad platform startups that close after a year, and never had problem with payments… basically it’s the de facto ad platform

B ) you can’t get share revenue from AdMob 

C) a large part of devs use AdMob by default

So, what you did was:

  1. You changed your license to not allow Corona Cards and Enterprise user to use third-party ad platform native libraries (so, no way to use Admob even there)

  2. You stopped developing the AdMob plugin to push people into Corona Ads (that still has many issues) where you can adjust your revenue share as much as you want.

So well… that’s it. I’ve had a great time developing on Corona SDK, it’s already 6 years I’m using this platform and I’m really grateful for the SDK you created. But it’s clear where this is heading… Wish you all the best for the future of this platform 

Yes this is beyond a joke. This is also people’s livelihoods you are now toying with. There are certain factors which I’m not going divulge that is really going to impact my business. I’ve been using corona for years also, but this is the worst decision I have seen yet. And slamming it with a 1 month period? There is something seriously not right here.

PXL artificer mentioned an update to the license for enterprise users. Does this mean nobody can make their own AdMob plugin to sell on the Corona marketplace?

@PXL artificer, @chris_raz,

I’m sorry to hear your negative sentiments on this and that you feel it will drastically and unequivocally affect your entire business/livelihood. I don’t presume to know how you operate your business, so I won’t attempt to guess how using another official Google-backed ad service (AdX) using the same SDK/providers will yield eCPMs that make your business model unsustainable.

You’ve both been using Corona for years and we sincerely appreciate your loyalty. At the end of the day, Corona SDK remains an absolutely free product which allows you to build your apps at zero cost. Needless to say, the product and the advancements that you appreciate every day (and have for years) doesn’t just come out of thin air. Sustaining a quality product requires resources. Every other SDK/platform from Unity to Epic also needs to earn revenue to continue to exist, via whatever means they choose. This is the honest truth, one which I hope you can at least understand, if not appreciate.

Best regards,


So, I’m not entirely sure and I would also like some clarification.

Some days ago logging on Coronalabs website I saw this popup message saying the software terms have changed.

This is the page btw

Point 1. Use of Services; Restrictions
Customer shall not:

(vi) use or develop any third-party SDK or plugin used in the purpose of monetization, including but not limited to: advertising, advertising mediation, advertising serving, in-app purchase management, or any such plugin that generates revenue not expressly permitted by Corona Labs;

@pxl artificer hmm, that wording does make it sound like you can’t integrate or create any ad plugins unless it’s approved by Corona. Hopefully Corona staff can weigh in on this.

I’m sorry Brent. I can’t appreciate what you wrote, or the sneaky way you guys are trying to remove admob. Add a great feature like adX through coronaads, Yes please, I’d love to give it a go! At the expense of admob, that would be shooting yourself in the foot. While I can appreciate corona needs to make money (I bought the splash control as soon as it came out without argument) forcing us off the industry standard ad network. You mention unity and other SDKs, yes you all need to make money, but they have not stopped us from using an industry standard ad network. Like I said I have certain factors which I won’t talk about here, we can chat in private if you like. I’d also like to know if what the guys mentioned above about a if someone external could create the plugin?

Keep in mind that AdX is a 100% Google-backed product, using the same SDK for iOS and Android as AdMob.

Yes but it’s running through Corona Ads, not a independent plugin, right?

If I “use” AdX (btw, is it directly selectable by us or automatically selected by Corona Ads?) at the end of the month, where’s the revenue payment coming from? Google or Corona Ads?

Correct. AdX is running through Corona Ads.

Payments will be coming from Corona Ads too.

Well aware of adX backed by google, have been wanting to try it. And would have even through coronaads. Does not change the fact, by you guys removing admob I just refuse to use corona going forward. Already paid for splash control, and now your telling me I can’t use my preferred ad network at all… Why not charge for the admob plugin? That way you can make money going both directions yet would still certainly push traffic to coronaads.

The new enterprise limitation has been known for while now. Here is a fairly old thread that talked about those limitations:

We will investigate putting out a new AdMob plugin on a paid basis.

If that’s the solution I’d happily support it

I too am shocked at what I just read. +1 for standalone versions (no Corona Ads) of AdMob and all of the ad network plugins for that matter. I have no problem with you trying to push the Corona Ads network but please give us developers alternatives and not back us into a corner with only a months notice.

If we can please get clarification on the  Point 1. Use of Services; Restrictions for Enterprise PXL Artificer mentioned above from a Corona official also.

About that point, I think there’s no need of further clarifications. I didn’t know before, but if you check the link of the discussion agramonte posted above ( they already stated pretty clearly that you can’t create/use any third-party monetization plugins on Corona Enterprise or Cards.

Also, no third-party monetization plugins for Corona are allowed (without Corona approval).

If you plan to use (or create) a third-party monetization plugin as an Enterprise user, you’ll need to contact us for approval.

Just read that thread thanks PXL, what is the criteria that you will use to decide if we can implement our own mediation/ad provider plugin using native code?