Full screen AD?


I just finished my new game and wanna give Lunar Ads a try.

I only enable Admob Banner and Inneractive Banner, but when I test it on iphone, the full screen Ads pops up showing lunar’s own ads about “Sloto mania” 3 times in a roll within 1 mins. Those ads require 2 clicks to disappear .This makes my app not able to be played.

You said “We denote a very small amount ( about 5%) of your traffic to show our own promotions which generate revenue for us”, as my refreshing time is 20 sec, which means within 5 mins, your promotions could pop up 60sec/20sec * 5 mins * 5% = 0.75 times
But based on my test, it pop up 7 times within 5 mins.

The users will surely give 1 star to some apps like this.

How do you disable it? At least not full screen!!
Please tell me this is just a bug.

And is there a way to change the size of banner? The only size related thing in the setting is Screen Width and Height.


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Image and video hosting by TinyPic [import]uid: 81853 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 329930[/import]

Make sure the box labelled ‘show interstitials’ is not checked. [import]uid: 93133 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120043[/import]

Thanks nick, but I am sure it is not checked. [import]uid: 81853 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120076[/import]

@dan300 are Admob ads showing up for you? Doesn’t seem to work for me with lunar ads.

I am also getthing those full screens ad. Looks like I won’t be using lunar ads. [import]uid: 1884 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120129[/import]

Lunar ads’s dashboard shows:
Admob 62
Inneractive 55

Inneractive’s dashboard shows almost same number, but Admob tells me I have 0 impressions.
[import]uid: 81853 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120152[/import]


So it looks like Lunar ad is getting paid from your admob revenue and then maybe paying you out. I don’t think that’s good at all. I will not be using Lunar ads. [import]uid: 1884 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120153[/import]

Make sure the box labelled ‘show interstitials’ is not checked. [import]uid: 93133 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120043[/import]

Thanks nick, but I am sure it is not checked. [import]uid: 81853 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120076[/import]

So I am sensing the other users are having issues with Admob. Were you guys using the Corona workaround before from Base2 (sorry if I got his name wrong)? Our status went ideal out of the blue, probably from the Adsense push, and hoped LunarAds would fix it. Is this the same case all around or are you all using active admob accounts. [import]uid: 54716 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120803[/import]

@dan300 are Admob ads showing up for you? Doesn’t seem to work for me with lunar ads.

I am also getthing those full screens ad. Looks like I won’t be using lunar ads. [import]uid: 1884 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120129[/import]

Lunar ads’s dashboard shows:
Admob 62
Inneractive 55

Inneractive’s dashboard shows almost same number, but Admob tells me I have 0 impressions.
[import]uid: 81853 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120152[/import]


So it looks like Lunar ad is getting paid from your admob revenue and then maybe paying you out. I don’t think that’s good at all. I will not be using Lunar ads. [import]uid: 1884 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120153[/import]

So I am sensing the other users are having issues with Admob. Were you guys using the Corona workaround before from Base2 (sorry if I got his name wrong)? Our status went ideal out of the blue, probably from the Adsense push, and hoped LunarAds would fix it. Is this the same case all around or are you all using active admob accounts. [import]uid: 54716 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 120803[/import]

Hi guys,
Sorry for the late reply here - been with the family over the Holiday :slight_smile:

Those full screen ads can be disabled by just selecting at the top of your channel data to not display Interstitial ads, period. We only use 5% of your incoming traffic and only show a similar ad with similar format to what you are already using so they are 100% transparent to your users.

If you are having any other issue with that please let me know at once and we’ll get it fixed -


[import]uid: 9046 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 122439[/import]

Hi guys,
Sorry for the late reply here - been with the family over the Holiday :slight_smile:

Those full screen ads can be disabled by just selecting at the top of your channel data to not display Interstitial ads, period. We only use 5% of your incoming traffic and only show a similar ad with similar format to what you are already using so they are 100% transparent to your users.

If you are having any other issue with that please let me know at once and we’ll get it fixed -


[import]uid: 9046 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 122439[/import]


Yesterday I’ve tried lunar ads, but I was getting this same issue, AdMob ads were not working, and I get those full ads even though the interstitial check was not checked.


Juan Cruz [import]uid: 112380 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 133912[/import]

Hi Juan,
Admob is all but dead for anyone not using Admon SDK - we are working on a replacement now. Google has really forced everyone to their court on that one.

Seeing only Interstitials eh? Send me an email on the https://lunarads.com/?page=Contact_Us page with your publisher ID and I’ll personally take a look to see what the trouble might be.

[import]uid: 9046 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 133913[/import]


Yesterday I’ve tried lunar ads, but I was getting this same issue, AdMob ads were not working, and I get those full ads even though the interstitial check was not checked.


Juan Cruz [import]uid: 112380 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 133912[/import]

Hi Juan,
Admob is all but dead for anyone not using Admon SDK - we are working on a replacement now. Google has really forced everyone to their court on that one.

Seeing only Interstitials eh? Send me an email on the https://lunarads.com/?page=Contact_Us page with your publisher ID and I’ll personally take a look to see what the trouble might be.

[import]uid: 9046 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 133913[/import]

Hi, thanks for your support, I just submitted you this issue in the contact form. I’ve tried different configurations and scenarios but in all of them I’m still getting full screen ads.

Thanks for your support! [import]uid: 112380 topic_id: 29930 reply_id: 134349[/import]