FULL SCREEN on Mac OS X isn't working

UPDATE: The solution to this problem was found at: https://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/distribution/osxBuild/index.html#window-settings - under Window Settings, not to be confused with Windows Settings.

  • My app does not use auto scaling. I simply get the content width and height and write my own code to the coordinates.
  1. When I launch my app in Mac OS X, it brings up a window (not full screen). Is there a way to make it default to full screen?

  2. When I choose full screen, my app displays in 2/3 of the left of my monitor, and the remaining 1/3 on the right appears to show content that is suppose to be off screen. In other words, when I choose full screen, my apps knowledge of the content width is not updated. Is there a system call-back that occurs when I choose full screen so that perhaps I can readjust what is displayed based upon the new screen width?

I meet the same problem on mac.


I also want to know how can I disable the green button in the screenshot.


Can you post your build.settings?

 window = {

      defaultMode = “fullscreen”,

      resizable = false,

      enableMaximizeButton = false,


troylyndon , I have the same problem, but I could not solve it. In the Win32 Desktop works fine. In OS X Desktop does not work.


window = { -- fullscreen, maximized defaultMode = "fullscreen", suspendWhenMinimized = true, minViewWidth = 960, minViewHeight = 640, titleText = { default = "Beasts Battle", }, },


Full screen is probably working just fine. You’re probably drawing your background at a fixed size.  Can you post your code where you’re creating your background as well as your config.lua?


Strange that Win32 Desktop works correctly.


\_W = display.contentWidth; \_H = display.contentHeight; local bgScale = math.max(\_W/1024, \_H/768); local background = display.newImage("image/gui/bgMenu.jpg"); background.xScale = bgScale; background.yScale = bgScale; background.x = \_W/2; background.y = background.height/2\*background.yScale; localGroup:insert(background);

Original size “bgMenu.jpg” 1024x768 px.

Can you produce a smile test case that demonstrates the issue?



Rob, please, check it




Sure I’ll be happy to look at the video. But I need you to file a bug report. That bug report is a complete project (main.lua, config.lua, build.settings and other assets needed) that is small enough to demonstrate the problem and that our engineers can load into the simulator and build it with out them having to guess anything about the rest of your code or setup. This needs to be put into a .zip file and submitted by the “Report a bug” link at the top. I was hoping to take a look at the test project before submitting it. This is why I wanted a demo project.

Make sure to include the video in the bug report’s description too.



My project - fullscreen os x/win 32.



Can you go ahead and file a bug report using the link at the top of the page using this as the demo project?

You will get an email confirming the submission. It will have a CaseID number in the subject. Please post that back here.



Well, I sent in a bug report. Case 46716




How long will solve my problem? :slight_smile: Case 46716

I can’t provide that estimate. There are too many factors involved. It could be complex fix, it could be easy. The engineer it gets assigned to will have to prioritize it in with their other work. It may be moved up or down their schedule. I don’t know how much work they have to do and where this fits in with everything else.


Is there a reason you’re not using a config.lua and trying to maintain your own scaling?

An engineer has looked at your project and basically it comes down to you not handling the “resize” event. He thinks on a Mac that it starts processing main.lua before it goes to fullscreen and creating a race condition. But your app would get an event saying “Hey I’m resizing” and you should react to that adjust things accordingly.


This event should be handled for Desctop builds:


(without it you will not pass)

Thanks, solved!