e.g. I would like to update the emissionRate without DetachParticleTypes and AttachParticleType again. [import]uid: 12088 topic_id: 11767 reply_id: 311767[/import]
Makes sense. Emission rates are not properties of a particle type itself. You can set an individual emission rate each time you attach a particle type to an emitter. However, we added a new command to let you change a particle type’s emission rate at any later timer, too:
ChangeEmissionRate(emitterName, particleName, emissionRate)
The update goes out within the next days.
[import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 11767 reply_id: 43525[/import]
Thank for your quick reply, most of your functions for changing value is started with Set, e.g. SetEmitterScale, SetParticleProperty. So ChangeEmissionRate seems strange… Anyway, thank you very much… [import]uid: 12088 topic_id: 11767 reply_id: 43740[/import]
The emission rate is actually set with AttachParticleType(). Since you HAVE to set an emission rate with AttachParticleType() first, ChangeEmissionRate() will never be used to set it, just to change it afterwards. If we would name it SetEmissionRate(), users could eventually be confused and think that this command MUST be used to set the emission rate. This is not the case, however. It’s single purpose ist to, well, change the emission rate [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 11767 reply_id: 43860[/import]