Fuse Connection Error

Hi Chris,

Currently, the Fuse plugin is undergoing a “soft launch” period which is restricted to a selected group of developers. Are you among this group?


yes, even before the ‘soft launch’ i was in.

had some up and downs because of direct inmobi support… first it was strong NO, now its possible.

anyhow. i decided now to give it a chance. but support is ‘very slow’ sorry to say. last thursday i asked this question

and till now nobody had time to give an answer. for sure i will get again a very nice ‘sorry for answering so late’ from my agent.

yes, i may the buhh-man again, because i really cant stand this delaying in support questions. 

but truth is also, that other networks are ‘way’ faster in responding to questions. usually at the same day in hours… 

yeah, we are still in ‘soft launch’ but SUPPORT has to improve a lot till release.

Hi Chris,

So your code worked previously (exactly as you show) but now suddenly it doesn’t work?

Hi Brent,

no, since I try to implement with this new ‘soft launch’ api… i didnt got it work. always this connection error.

before the soft launch was some other api, only for adrally… now its fuse plugin.



and.btw. still now answer from Fuse itself at all on my emails about that :frowning:

What guides/docs are you referring to for implementing things?


and specially


Hi Chris,

I really don’t know how to assist you with this. I just tried building my own Fuse sample app using Corona #2676. I built the app for iOS using the “Monetization Enabled” checkbox. I ran the app, called “fuse.show()” and it showed an ad exactly as expected. I can only think that there is something wrong with your code or how you’re calling fuse.show(), how you’re using a global variable to assign it, or how you’re using heavily deprecated Lua APIs like “package.seeall”.


hmm. as u see in one of my first posts, there is a corona demo I packed for u to see what im doing exactly, did u had a look into.

also u may attach ur simple demo, so i can compile. till now NO answer from Fuse about this.

Also im wondering, how the sdk connects to my account?! I know it does a key combo and I would see this in my dashboard.

but anyhow from where it knows whats my Account anyhow? No eMail or API Key I had to assign in my app. (this i have to do usually with every adnetwork)

I guess that could be a missing point. where and what api key to assing in my app, so there is a connection between my app and my fuse account.

Hi Chris,

Have you accessed the Fuse dashboard before? If so, do you see your app set up within?


for sure and I did setup my Apps there. But even if I give there my Bundle ID like com.chris.xxx

this would only work with the Android APK because within Corona, only at the Android Compiling I set before a Android Bundle ID.

On iOS I dont. so where it would get this Information from?

What are you needing the Bundle ID for? 

im asking u! :slight_smile:

the question is HOW does the Fuse Plugin knows to what Fuse Account Dashboard it should connect.

as I dont have to set an api key in my code for fuse. I was reading there is a key automatic generated, but anyhow HOW

he would know my Fuse Account ID? Is it a combination of my Fuse eMail and my Corona eMail for example, or how.

Its just interested… for now it does not work (connection error), so i thought it could have something todo with that.

Hi Chris,

Please read this, from the guide:

“A Fuse account will be created for you automatically when you perform your first app build via Corona SDK build 2015.2636 or later. Following that, you will receive an email from Fuse Powered with account information and instructions for logging into the Fuse dashboard. These credentials will be different from those associated with Corona SDK and coronalabs.com.”

So, when you do an app build with Monetization Enabled checkbox , the app should be automatically created within the Fuse dashboard. If you’re not seeing that, then most likely the issue has started with that.


I understand, than u should tell this tristan, nicole or cara, as they are on it… and i mentioned this connection problem several days ago. today i sent them an apk for testing. will see what comes out :slight_smile:

i had this account since long time (when i already played first time with the adrally plugin)

Is this thread the same issue:   https://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/57926-fuse-server-problem/

It seems to be. If they are, I’ll direct conversation here and lock the other thread.
