Yoger and Rob. My app is used mostly younger (under 16) kids so no mixed audience. Yes on the Designed for Families. Once I click on “under 16” check-box I am forced into Designed for Family (unless I am missing something).
This is what they responded back. Since the app was already suspended it remained as suspended:
Eligibility issues by APK version:
APK Version(s) Eligibility Issue 10119
Ad violates DFF
The ad content in your app does not conform with Designed for Families eligibility requirements. If you monetize your app, please ensure you’ve excluded ads from sensitive categories. You can read through the Ads section of the program requirements to learn which types of ads are prohibited on Designed for Families: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6231938#ads
This is the ad in question:
Here is my response that I never got a response back:
Hi. I am using Admob for ads. I am sending the coppa flag as well as the Designed for Family flag in the ad request. I also went into the AdMob control panel and blocked all the categories that I thought were inappropriate for children. Is there a list of categories that I need to block? Thank you.
Here is what I used to load the ads:
admob.load( "interstitial", { adUnitId="ca-app-pub-xxxxx", designedForFamilies=true, childSafe=true } ) admob.load( "banner", { adUnitId="ca-app-pub-xxxx", designedForFamilies=true, childSafe=true } )
To be honest, the banner ads were all over the place (maybe a Corona defect), but the interstitial were all kids games.