Not sure how to ask this. I’m trying to figure out some terminology that has to do with game building and if Director class does what I think it does. In the forums, people talk about levels, stages, scenes, etc. So lets take Angry Birds as an example.
In LEVEL 1 of the game, there are 21 … scenes? Stages? Levels? I’m thinking, after reading dozens of forum topics, that it’s called a scene. Am I thinking of that correctly?
Level 1, Scenes 1 thru 21
Level 2, Scenes 1 thru 21
Level N, Scenes 1 thru 21
In my mind, I can create one GamePlay lua file that contains all of the game-play functions. And then I create the scene files, where each of these files contains all of the objects and variables needed for that particular scene within a particular level.
Now, instead of a generic level.lua file, I can use the director class as a template, basically, for every scene in the game. So I copy the contents of the Director class (or the contents that would work for my game) into all of the level/scene files. Then my game_play.lua file would get the objects and variables from the appropriate “director” file:
level1-1.lua (level 1, scene 1)
level1-2.lua (level 1, scene 2)
level23-20 (level 23, scene 20)
Is this a correct way of thinking about levels, scenes, and the Director class?
[import]uid: 25480 topic_id: 6535 reply_id: 306535[/import]