Game Center, when actually is the 'Today' in timeScope="Today"?

I’d just like to find out in regards to game center; Are ‘Daily’ leaderboard scores retrieval (i.e.; timeScope=“Today”) based on a device’s local time or apple’s game center server times?

For example: 

If you were in the USA and you send a score to game center at 6pm 1st May, would it appear in the ‘Daily’ leaderboard score for someone in, for example, Asia (who would actually be about +14hours ahead and already at 2nd May?

If the ‘Daily’ is based on local time zones, then I suppose there would never be a way to challenge players around the globe based only on daily scores?

Unlike with Google, they reset their ‘Daily’ leaderboard scores at PST midnight, so then it’s actually easy to let global players challenge for daily scores by checking local time zones and converting them to PST times.

Any enlightenment on this ‘vague’ DAILY leaderboard score would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

I don’t think Apple handles GameCenter with local timezones. It’s not a good practice as you pointed out.

I don’t think Apple handles GameCenter with local timezones. It’s not a good practice as you pointed out.