[GAME] Kombo by NeuBit

Hey everyone, we are happy to announce the release of our new word puzzle game Kombo.  Available now on Android, iOS, and Amazon.  Kombo is a word puzzle game that is easy to play but will test your clue solving abilities.  Please see the screenshots below and give the game a try.   Would appreciate any and all feedback!  Thank you to the Corona team!

Apple: https://itunes.apple.com/tt/app/kombo/id1109551335?mt=8


Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.neubit.kombo&hl=en


Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/NeuBit-KOMBO-Word-Trivia-Game/dp/B01G66QDLQ





Has anyone had a chance to try it out?  Looking for some feedback to help improve the game

I checked it out. The interface is consistent on iPhone 6 and iPad. When in a game session could the pop out menu be available? Or possibly just the audio / music to toggle on/off.

Thanks, will consider adding these options.  

That is a challenging game. Very well done @JonPM.

Thank you Rob.  

Some plans:

  • Add a quick intro tutorial 

  • Add more packs

  • Improved tablet layout

Took me longer than I care to admit on the first game!

I like it a lot. Suggestions:

  • allow users to play their own music
  • difficulty levels
  • color scheme options as iap? Might not be part of the business model but thought I’d throw it in

Also, the option to deselect a fragment by tapping on it. Juice might not be worth the squeeze on that one though.

Also, disable the idle timer.

Thanks Alex@Panc for the suggestions

  • I like the idea of allowing users to play their own music.  Will have to look into incorporating a music player for this.

  • Difficulty levels.  This ones a little hard.  What do you mean exactly?  Like sort by difficulty of the clues?  One feature I am considering adding to make the game harder is an option to hide the number of letters in each answer.

  • Color scheme.  This is something I have been considering as well, just not sure if I will proceed on it just yet. 

  • Deselecting tiles.  It’s a good idea but like you said might not be worth it.  The delete button seems sufficient at this point.  

  • Idle time.  I was on the fence with this one during development.  I opted to enable it as I imagine some players could potentially be staring at their screen for some time trying to decipher clues.  

Thanks again for the in depth feedback, this is really helpful.

And, as always, if any of you would be so inclined to leave a review that would be much appreciated. 

@JonPM, sorry I was posting like a crazy person; I was on mobile and didn’t have the time to edit on the fly.

  • User’s music: I meant more, utilize the (undocumented? unsupported?) functionality to disable the game’s music and allow the user’s music to continue playing. I was listening to something on my iPhone and when I started Kombo, it stopped my music and started its own. I usually use the below to allow this on iOS:

    if audio.supportsSessionProperty then --print(“setting audio native audio player to continue”) audio.setSessionProperty(audio.OverrideMixWithOthers, audio.MediaPlaybackMixMode) end

I don’t know if that is the exact syntax, but it’s good enough for government work in my code.

- Difficulty levels: I meant more like, shorter words, since “easier clues” would be close to impossible to implement, I would imagine.

  • Idle Timer: In my Kombo session, the screen dimmed and timed out several times, so I don’t think that you the idle timer was disabled in my build. A toggle might work, but (and I could be mistaken here) the idle timer flag needs to be detected upon app startup, so if I toggled my install’s idle timer to "off’, I would need to shut down and start back up in order have it recognized.

I’ll for sure leave a review. It’s super-slick and very enjoyable, and it’s rare that I even play word games!


  • Music:  Ah, I see.  I didn’t even realize this was happening. Thanks for point this out.  

  • Difficulty: This is more difficult than it seems.  The issue is that every puzzle must have 8 clues, and 25 tiles.  Which means each answer should have about 3 tiles on average.  Currently, some answers are 2 tiles, while others are up to 4 or 5.  So coming up with 8 short answer clues really isn’t feasible as it wouldn’t fill up all 25 tiles.   I hope that made sense.

  • Idle Timer:  So apparently I debated about enabling/disabling this so much that I forgot which I did!  LOL.  So you are right, in the published version the timer is enabled.  I will change this to disabled in the next update.  

Thanks again for the input. 

Is Enterprise required to get this to work?   Couldn’t seem to get it working

Nah, it works in the normal SDK. It needs to be called right at the top of your main.lua. Before you even require your modules. Why this is I can’t say; I know Lerg has done extensive testing with these undocumented audio APIs, but the quick and dirty is, put it #1 with a bullet and you should be good to go.


--main.lua if audio.supportsSessionProperty then --print("setting audio to allow play to continue on suspend") audio.setSessionProperty(audio.OverrideMixWithOthers, audio.MediaPlaybackMixMode) end display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) system.activate("multitouch") system.setIdleTimer( false ) local composer = require("composer")

Well done!

Whereas I am really bad :smiley:

I found a bug, I think, When buying the complete word, the word parts that were already marked can not be selected nor de-selected.

Not sure if it was fixed in the last update, I ran out of hints…



Kombo has been updated and includes a number of bug fixes.  Thanks to everyone who brought these to my attention :slight_smile:

Nice game. I enjoyed it

Thanks!  Would be great if you could leave a rating/review in the store

Has anyone had a chance to try it out?  Looking for some feedback to help improve the game

I checked it out. The interface is consistent on iPhone 6 and iPad. When in a game session could the pop out menu be available? Or possibly just the audio / music to toggle on/off.