Here is a picture of my game:
I use a multidimensional array to place the tiles of the walls, the enemies, coins and player in their initial positions. I then use this array to determine if enemies or the player can enter a position. If the position they are wanting to move in is not a wall, then it can be made. I make use of object.transform() to change the position of the enemies & players, and update the multidimensional array to store their new positions.
I am using a non-physical collision technique in order to determine if the player has collided with an enemy or a coin. However, sometimes the game just doesn’t register the player hitting a coin. The coin just stays there, without the score going up.
Here is my code for the collision detection of the player & coins specifically:
for i = 1, #coinCache, 1 do
-- Check for collision between player and this coin instance
if ( coinCache[i] and hasCollidedRect( player, coinCache[i] ) ) then
score = score + 1
-- Remove the coin from the screen
display.remove( coinCache[i] )
-- Remove reference from table
coinCache[i] = nil
-- Handle other collision aspects like increasing score, etc.
if score >= 10 then
And here is the function used within that code:
local function hasCollidedRect( obj1, obj2 )
if ( obj1 == nil ) then -- Make sure the first object exists
return false
if ( obj2 == nil ) then -- Make sure the other object exists
return false
local left = obj1.contentBounds.xMin+1 <= obj2.contentBounds.xMin+1 and obj1.contentBounds.xMax-1 >= obj2.contentBounds.xMin+1
local right = obj1.contentBounds.xMin+1 >= obj2.contentBounds.xMin+1 and obj1.contentBounds.xMin+1 <= obj2.contentBounds.xMax-1
local up = obj1.contentBounds.yMin+1 <= obj2.contentBounds.yMin+1 and obj1.contentBounds.yMax-1 >= obj2.contentBounds.yMin+1
local down = obj1.contentBounds.yMin+1 >= obj2.contentBounds.yMin+1 and obj1.contentBounds.yMin+1 <= obj2.contentBounds.yMax-1
return ( left or right ) and ( up or down )
Any help would be appreciated.