gameNetwork - [Build Error #5] A device build error occurred on the server.

Hi! I’m trying to build for Android from Windows using Corona 2019.3490 and I recive this error message about gameNetwork plugin. Later I have to build for iOS too, so this is a problem. If I delete the plugin code from build settings all works fine.

09:57:37.037  Testing credentials for ‘C:\Users\giand\Keystores************’: 

09:57:38.624  Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en

09:57:38.624  jar signed.

09:57:40.366  Using custom build id from app bundle: 00000 (AppSettings.lua)


09:57:40.366  Using custom Build Id 00000

10:00:14.504  BuildID: kCoronaBuild [A device build error occurred on the server. 


10:00:14.504  Error: Get plugin failed. 


10:00:14.504  Plugin: 

10:00:14.504  Publisher: com.coronalabs 

10:00:14.504  User Account: *************************


10:00:14.504  BuildID: 5d298f74d43ba

10:00:14.504  ERROR: An error occurred during build ( The server returned the following message:

10:00:14.504  —

10:00:14.504  A device build error occurred on the server. 


10:00:14.504  Error: Get plugin failed. 


10:00:14.504  Plugin: 

10:00:14.504  Publisher: com.coronalabs 

10:00:14.504  User Account: *****************************


10:00:14.504  BuildID: 5d298f74d43ba

10:00:14.504  —          

10:00:14.645  Android build failed (5) after 154 seconds

Hi and welcome to the Corona Community forums. You’re including an Apple iOS/tvOS/macOS only plugin in your build.settings.

Since you can build for Apple products from Windows and they certainly don’t work on Android, just remove this plugin: 

and anything else that’s Apple only from your build.settings file.


Thank You!

Hi and welcome to the Corona Community forums. You’re including an Apple iOS/tvOS/macOS only plugin in your build.settings.

Since you can build for Apple products from Windows and they certainly don’t work on Android, just remove this plugin: 

and anything else that’s Apple only from your build.settings file.


Thank You!