Before I start, thanks to @roaminggamer and @Scott Harrison for their excellent answers. Let me fill in some gaps.
1. does Corona enterprise lets you call any native API/Function that could be found in the android/ios api docs ?
“any” is a very broad scope. I’m pretty sure there will be some incompatible items out there, but for the most part, you should be able to access most all native API’s
2. in order to call these APIs do I need to have some Java knowledge or it works just like Corona SDK ?
You will need to use Java to access Java base APIs on Android. You will need to use Objective-C, possibly some Swift on iOS. C++ works for both platforms. You will find some libraries/SDK’s you want to use have either Java/Obj-C bindings or C++ bindings. We are cool with both.
3. in the pricing page in Corona it states that there is a revenue limit of 500k in the Enterprise small business, why is that and 500k per how much time ?
We believe that if you’re being successful, we should be successful too. If you make 500K, its not too much to ask you to subscribe to Enterprise Unlimited. It’s 500k per year.
4. does Corona Enterprise only works on macOS or also works on Windows, and if not then why ? (I saw that it only works on OS X 10.10 but wanna make sure cause that doesn’t make sense for me)
Technically speaking, Enterprise only works on macOS. That said, we have some Windows support. If you look at: in the win32 folder it says to copy CoronaEnterprise to the folder and then you can build using Visual Studio. I don’t know if any one has been enterprising enough (pun intended) to figure out how to get Android Studio to use the Windows libraries yet, but on macOS you would use Android Studio for Android builds.
5. after upgrading to Corona enterprise will I be able to use any plugin available for android/ios even if its not on the marketplace, and does it require any coding before using the plugin’s API ? (Firebase for example)
There is an archive file that you can download from the daily builds page that has all of the Corona Labs-made plugins in it except for the four paid ad plugins. For community plugins, some can be gotten from our Bitbucket repo, others you would have to get the .jar, .a, .dylib files from the developer.
6. when using Enterprise does Corona take any share from your revenue ?
For Enterprise, we require you to use our advertising plugins. We have some two plugins that involve a revenue share (AppLovin, Facebook Audience Network). Some you pay an up front price to avoid revenue sharing (AdMob, Chartboost, AdColony and Unity Ads) and we have an attractive bundle that includes all four of these plugins). Most of the other ad plugins are free for you to use. As alluded to above, after 500K of revenue, you would be required by the terms of service to purchase Enterprise Unlimited. Beyond your Enterprise license fee, the two rev-share plugins, and income for the fixed-rate plugins, we take no other share of your revenue.
7. if I can use any native plugin, will I still have to pay in order to use the adMob plugin, or I will be able to use it without paying ?
The paid plugins are not included in your Enterprise subscription and are licensed separately.