The reason that I am asking these questions is because I am getting a “Module Name Conflict Error” when coming back to the same scene!
main.lua -> options.lua -> sns.lua -> options.lua -> sns.lua --error happens here! Error is Listed at the bottom…
-Do you have to insert variables into the localGroup?
local numTimesHit = 0
-Can we use and assign Global variables?
-When using Global Variables do I need to remove it before proceeding to the next scene?
-Do we have to assign it to the localGroup?
\_G["globalVariable"] = 789
Do we have to remove eventListeners and timers before switching scenes?
Runtime error
.../Desktop/LC/CTF/game4/sns.lua:1: name conflict for module 'sns'
stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function 'module'
.../Desktop/LC/CTF/game4/sns.lua:1: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require' in function 'loadScene' in function 'changeScene'
...LC/CTF/game4/playerSelection.lua:35: in function <><br> ?: in function <?:214><br><br>
[import]uid: 7197 topic_id: 5160 reply_id: 305160[/import] </…lc>