From what I’ve seen being short but descriptive in your thread title makes a big difference.
Eg, for a cartoon fighting game;
Cartoon style graphics for fighting game - artist wanted!
That kind of thing.
For the thread itself it seems to be a good idea to give a vague idea of how much work is involved, Eg;
4 cartoon style sprites with walking, punching and kicking animations
3 icons (health, mana, experience)
Icon (512x512 showing a characters face, in style of X)
That kind of thing seems to help - so do any links you can provide to art/styles you like, or “in style of X” type statements.
Just my 2 cents from what I’ve seen.
PS - Making it very clear it is paid, or using the word “hire” or “commission” in thread title and post is a good idea. You may or may not want to include your budget, just make it clear you aren’t trying to get anyone to work for free [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 25784 reply_id: 104237[/import]