Getting the right stuff

So. It will take me a while to read all the forums and SDK and docs, etc. Which isn’t bad, it feels like you’re ‘real’.

I’m ready to buy Corona if:

  • I can use it to make my first nook Android ‘game’ which is a point-n-click puzzle story similar to ‘Grisly Manor’ by Fire Maple games.
  • I can use it to make other kids’ story books.
  • I can use it to make side scroller games

I also need to know if I need to buy the Kwik plugin for these projects.

I’m a ‘veteran’ programmer but new to the lua language.

Thanks for your time.

Gary Henson
Magnum Somnium, LLC [import]uid: 59782 topic_id: 10806 reply_id: 310806[/import]

I am sure that you can do all of the things except for the Nook which is in the works and not released for all users to compile.

As far as 3rd party apps are concerned, Kwik is a nice plug-in, I was one of the ß-testers for it and I would recommend it highly.

However, there are couple of 3rd party tools that you must have if you are setting up your repository of tools, and if you do not use any of these, you can still create what you are after.

some recommendations are

  1. Corona Project Manager
  2. IndeEd
  3. Kwik
  4. TexturePacker, TextureEditor, PhysicsEditor
  5. LevelHelper, SpriteHelper
  6. Lime

I can go on, but these are some that you will use often and will help you depending on what you really need.

You can also browse through some apps that we have reviewed at to get an idea of what’s available and what could help fulfill your requirements of CoronaSDK.


?:slight_smile: [import]uid: 3826 topic_id: 10806 reply_id: 39260[/import]

That’s not encouraging.

Though I will be creating for Android in general I want the ability to test/run/sell on the color Nook.

What do I need to do to get there?

If this is the wrong forum for this please let me know and I’ll switch.

Thanks for you response and help. [import]uid: 59782 topic_id: 10806 reply_id: 39366[/import]

Hey Gary,

NOOK is coming soon - and it’s going to take you a little to pick up Lua and actually create your first project, right?

If you’re a thorough developer not out to do a slap-dash job of things I wouldn’t worry.

Peach :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 10806 reply_id: 40112[/import]

Thanks Peach, for the response.

Yes it will take me a little while to get up to speed with Lua and Corona. I’m not worried about being able to use the tools I’ve been programming a very long time (dont ask ;-).

It will also take me a little while to get my android legs. At some point I’ll have to decide if I want to become expert with the Android SDK or spend time with Corona.

For now I’ll go down the Android path and see if I need Corona later.

Best of luck and thanks again.

Gary Henson
Magnus Somnium, LLC [import]uid: 59782 topic_id: 10806 reply_id: 40615[/import]