Hi EHO (and I honestly thought your name was Jedi until I really looked – how silly of me),
Here are my thoughts.
I’ve never used wildcard identifier myself, and whenever I start a project, I always create an app in iTunes right away. And yes, you don’t have to release an app immediately after you add it to iTunes. You don’t have to upload any binary until you are ready, and even if you upload one, you don’t have to release it (by doing the Developer Reject, etc.), and even if your app is approved, you don’t have to release it right away (by setting a release date to sometime way into the future, or by not selecting any store at all, etc.)
I don’t know if you can use wildcard to generate a release build for Apple submission. As I mentioned, I’ve never used one, so I’ve never looked into what limitation it has.
As for the type of certificate, as far as I am aware, only build that Apple would accept is the one built with Distribution Provisioning Profile. That said, you can test Facebook using a build generated with Developer or AdHoc profile. In my case, during my test phase, I always generate build using AdHoc.
I don’t think you need to upload binary to iTunes to test Facebook. But, to test Facebook before the app is released to iOS or Android markets, what I always do, and what I think helps, is to include “Website with Facebook Login” and “Mobile Web” along with Native iOS App and Native Android App (at FB Dev Portal). I sort of remember, way back when I first tried integrating and testing Facebook, I could not test it without my app already released – and the workaround appeared to require adding Website and Mobile Web into the mix along with Native iOS and Native Android App. Things could have changed and it may no longer be necessary, but I figure I don’t need to change/experiment on something I know works, so I continue integrating and testing FB the same way. (And yes, I do have a hosted website that I can point to.)
I hope this helps. Good luck!