[GGPS] Saving a playerId on Google Backend

hi, is there any feature we can use to save a playerId using gpgs so you can invite them in future gameplay like ‘invite friends’?

You mean save that ID locally for that user’s device? Or do you want to make it accessible for all of the user’s devices, so they can pick up the game on another device and find that same player’s ID?

If the second one (and that seems most like since you’re implementing GPGS), check into the “snapshots” node which lets you save and restore things across devices:



You mean save that ID locally for that user’s device? Or do you want to make it accessible for all of the user’s devices, so they can pick up the game on another device and find that same player’s ID?

If the second one (and that seems most like since you’re implementing GPGS), check into the “snapshots” node which lets you save and restore things across devices:

