GGTwitter Error! Please Help!

Hi Guys! I have been trying to implement GGTwitter with Corona Sample Twitter code into one. But I had encounter some error. I am using the GGtwiter’s lua file, oAuth file and multipartform file and I added a main.lua from the Corona sample code. Below is my main.lua

-- Project: Twitter sample app -- -- File name: main.lua -- -- Author: Corona Labs -- -- Abstract: Demonstrates how to connect to Twitter using Oauth Authenication. -- -- File dependencies: TwiterManager.lua, oAuth.lua -- -- Target devices: simulator, device -- -- Limitations: Requires internet access; no error checking if connection fails -- -- Update History: -- March 5, 2013 Updated for Twitter v1.1 API and oAuth 1.0a -- -- Comments: -- Requires API key and application secret key from Twitter. To begin, log into your Twiter -- account and add the "Developer" application, from which you can create additional apps. -- -- Sample code is MIT licensed, see -- Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Corona Labs Inc. All Rights Reserved. -- -- Supports Graphics 2.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- io.output():setvbuf('no') -- \*\*debug: disable output buffering for Xcode Console local TwitterManager = require( "Twitter" ) local widget = require( "widget" ) -- Layout Locations local StatusMessageY = 420 -- position of status message local background = display.newImage( "tweetscreen.jpg", display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY ) -------------------------------- -- Create Status Message area -------------------------------- -- local function createStatusMessage( message, x, y ) -- Show text, using default bold font of device (Helvetica on iPhone) local textObject = display.newText( message, 0, 0, native.systemFontBold, 24 ) textObject:setFillColor( 1, 1, 1 ) -- A trick to get text to be centered local group = display.newGroup() group.x = x group.y = y group:insert( textObject, true ) -- Insert rounded rect behind textObject local r = 10 local roundedRect = display.newRoundedRect( 0, 0, textObject.contentWidth + 2\*r, textObject.contentHeight + 2\*r, r ) roundedRect:setFillColor( 55/255, 55/255, 55/255, 190/255 ) group:insert( 1, roundedRect, true ) group.textObject = textObject return group end local statusMessage = createStatusMessage( " Connected ", 0.5\*display.contentWidth, StatusMessageY ) -- Initialize text object to display Screen Name local userNameMessage = display.newText( "", 0, 0, native.systemFontBold, 18 ) userNameMessage.x = display.contentCenterX userNameMessage.y = display.contentHeight - 30 -- Initialize text object to display Get Information from Twitter local getInfoMessage = display.newText( "info", 0, 0, native.systemFontBold, 20 ) getInfoMessage.x = display.contentCenterX getInfoMessage.y = display.contentHeight - 300 local callback = {} -- Callbacks function callback.twitterCancel() print( "Twitter Cancel" ) statusMessage.textObject.text = "Twitter Cancel" end ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Successful Twitter Callback -- -- Determine the request type and update the display ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- function callback.twitterSuccess( requestType, name, response ) local results = "" print( "Twitter Success" ) statusMessage.textObject.text = "Twitter Success" if "friends" == requestType then results = response.users[1].name .. ", count: " .. response.users[1].statuses\_count end if "users" == requestType then results = .. ", count: " .. response.statuses\_count end if "tweet" == requestType then results = "Tweet Posted" end print( results ) getInfoMessage.text = results userNameMessage.text = name end function callback.twitterFailed() print( "Failed: Invalid Token" ) statusMessage.textObject.text = "Failed: Invalid Token" end -------------------------------- -- Tweet the message -------------------------------- -- local function tweetit( event ) local time = "\*t" ) -- Get time to append to our tweet local value = "Posted from Corona SDK at at " ..time.hour .. ":" .. time.min .. "." .. time.sec local params = {"tweet", "statuses/update.json", "POST", {"status", value} } TwitterManager.tweet(Callback, params) end -------------------------------- -- Get Account Info -- for current screen name -------------------------------- -- local function getInfo( event ) local params = {"users", "users/show.json", "GET", {"screen\_name", "SELF"}, {"skip\_status", "true"}, {"include\_entities", "false"} } TwitterManager.tweet(Callback, params) end -------------------------------- -- Get Friend Info -------------------------------- -- local function getFriend( event ) local params = {"friends", "followers/list.json", "GET", {"skip\_status", "true"} } TwitterManager.tweet(callback, params) end -------------------------------- -- Create "Tweet" Button -------------------------------- -- twitterButton = widget.newButton { left = 380, top = 250, width = 140, height = 50, id = "button1", defaultFile = "smallButton.png", overFile = "smallButtonOver.png", label = "Tweet", fontSize = 34, onRelease = tweetit } twitterButton.x = display.contentWidth / 2 -------------------------------- -- Create "Get Info" Button -------------------------------- -- -- Created without images -- twitterGetButton = widget.newButton { left = 380, top = 315, width = 140, height = 50, id = "button1", defaultFile = "smallButton.png", overFile = "smallButtonOver.png", label = "Get Info", fontSize = 34, onRelease = getInfo } twitterGetButton.x = display.contentWidth / 2 -------------------------------- -- Create "Get Info" Button -------------------------------- -- -- Created without images -- twitterFriendButton = widget.newButton { left = 380, top = 190, width = 140, height = 50, id = "button1", defaultFile = "smallButton.png", overFile = "smallButtonOver.png", label = "Friend", fontSize = 34, onRelease = getFriend } twitterFriendButton.x = display.contentWidth / 2

When i run it on the simulator, I get this Error when I clicked on the “Tweet” Button: Can someone help? Thank You

Here’s the GGTwitter Code:

Only added in Consumer key and secret, nothing else was added.

Credits to GlitchGames

Still having problem with this…
Any help??

Here’s the GGTwitter Code:

Only added in Consumer key and secret, nothing else was added.

Credits to GlitchGames

Still having problem with this…
Any help??