We are going to run a 48hour game jam just for Corona developers. Details are still being finalised etc but we would like to be able to get a rough idea of numbers. If this is something that you would be interested in please like/follow the Jam on Facebook or Twitter:
Just to explain a little bit; it will be 48 hours long and there will be a theme announced at the start of the jam. This will be midnight GMT on a date not fully decided yet ( it will be a weekend though so hopefully won’t get in the way of work etc ).
Prior work/code etc is allowed but must be declared at submission time so that it can be taken into account for judging. Teams or individuals will be able to take part, again this should be declared for judging.
There will be prizes, we’re hoping ( no guarantees ) to be able to wrangle some tool licences from 3rd parties as well as maybe a Corona licence, *hint* *hint* to any Corona Labs employees reading
We know that details are fairly minimal at the moment but more will be announced over the next couple of days when we have things more finalised. We’re mainly just after a rough head count right now.
We will be uploading a new logo to the facebook/twitter pages as soon as we have one ready