Glider 1.9 CPU overload

I’ve been trying to use Lua Glider 1.9, and while it sometimes works well, it usually ends up running the CPU at 100% on all processors on my MacBook Pro. 

This generally happens when I run it in debug mode (Debug Main Project), and not when I simply run the project. I cannot find why…help?

Also, when I tell it to run, it takes about 15 sec. to build the project. I’m not sure what it is doing here, and it didn’t do it in the previous versions.

I have gone back to the previous version that I found in a link on this forum (1.7.2, perhaps?).

In the PlugIn Console, I see this:

System Lua Interpreter plugin loaded successfully Corona plugin loaded successfully dyld: DYLD\_ environment variables being ignored because main executable (/usr/bin/osascript) is code signed with entitlements 56:74: execution error: Corona Simulator got an error: AppleEvent timed out. (-1712) dyld: DYLD\_ environment variables being ignored because main executable (/usr/bin/osascript) is code signed with entitlements 56:74: execution error: Corona Simulator got an error: AppleEvent timed out. (-1712)  

Finally, I don’t know how to read it, but I’ve attached a “sample” of luagliderv19, as created by the Apple Activity Monitor.

Hello Mimetic,

Thank you for the report. Please send the logs via help->upload logs. Lets address these issues:

it usually ends up running the CPU at 100% on all processors on my MacBook Pro. 

Does it usually come back after that point or does it need to be force-quit? We will have the investigate further but the logs will help alot. 

Also, when I tell it to run, it takes about 15 sec. to build the project. I’m not sure what it is doing here, and it didn’t do it in the previous versions.

We found the cause of this issue and it will be fixed in 1.9.1

In the PlugIn Console, I see this:

This seems to be due to some changes apple made in mountain lion. When we launch the simulator it would always end up behind the IDE for some reason, we used apple script to tell the simulator to pop up into the front. We will try to find a workaround for this.


M.Y. Developers

I have uploaded the logs. 

  • The cpu does not return to a lower point without quitting. However, if I wait long enough, a “Quit” command eventually works. Usually I give up and force-quit.

Sometimes the editor is so painfully slow — not catching up with typing — that I have to force-quit, too.

Hello Mimetic,

Thank you, a fix that will fix most if not all of these issues will be available in version 1.9.1.


M.Y. Developers

Just adding that I’ve noticed a high CPU overhead on 1.9 - for what it’s worth I am running on a fairly old 2009 Macbook Pro.

Hello SegaBoy,

Sorry you are also having this issue. We are working to find ways to reduce the CPU overhead. The main Glider component that uses up most CPU is the Lua source scanner. Lexing, parsing, and analyzing lua code is a fairly CPU intensive task but we believe the autocomplete is worth the cost. There are different levels of detail you can use 

Please see:

If you want the fastest performance and lowest footprint use “Scan only current file+requires.” The tradeoff here is that you may not get all the globals present in your project unless you either open the file in the editor or the file currently opened explicitly requires the file. If you don’t use many globals then you can get away with this option.

We may add more levels of detail in the future if this is still not satisfactory. If you don’t care much about the custom symbols (you only want the Corona library autocomplete) then we may add that option in there as well. 


M.Y. Developers

Hello Segaboy and Mimetic,

There is an update (v 1.9.1) that fixes many performance related issues. Please give it a try.


M.Y. Developers

Where do we find that? What’s the URL?

Hello Mimetic,

sorry about that.

Help-> Check for updates.


M.Y. Developers

Hello Mimetic,

Thank you for the report. Please send the logs via help->upload logs. Lets address these issues:

it usually ends up running the CPU at 100% on all processors on my MacBook Pro. 

Does it usually come back after that point or does it need to be force-quit? We will have the investigate further but the logs will help alot. 

Also, when I tell it to run, it takes about 15 sec. to build the project. I’m not sure what it is doing here, and it didn’t do it in the previous versions.

We found the cause of this issue and it will be fixed in 1.9.1

In the PlugIn Console, I see this:

This seems to be due to some changes apple made in mountain lion. When we launch the simulator it would always end up behind the IDE for some reason, we used apple script to tell the simulator to pop up into the front. We will try to find a workaround for this.


M.Y. Developers

I have uploaded the logs. 

  • The cpu does not return to a lower point without quitting. However, if I wait long enough, a “Quit” command eventually works. Usually I give up and force-quit.

Sometimes the editor is so painfully slow — not catching up with typing — that I have to force-quit, too.

Hello Mimetic,

Thank you, a fix that will fix most if not all of these issues will be available in version 1.9.1.


M.Y. Developers

Just adding that I’ve noticed a high CPU overhead on 1.9 - for what it’s worth I am running on a fairly old 2009 Macbook Pro.

Hello SegaBoy,

Sorry you are also having this issue. We are working to find ways to reduce the CPU overhead. The main Glider component that uses up most CPU is the Lua source scanner. Lexing, parsing, and analyzing lua code is a fairly CPU intensive task but we believe the autocomplete is worth the cost. There are different levels of detail you can use 

Please see:

If you want the fastest performance and lowest footprint use “Scan only current file+requires.” The tradeoff here is that you may not get all the globals present in your project unless you either open the file in the editor or the file currently opened explicitly requires the file. If you don’t use many globals then you can get away with this option.

We may add more levels of detail in the future if this is still not satisfactory. If you don’t care much about the custom symbols (you only want the Corona library autocomplete) then we may add that option in there as well. 


M.Y. Developers

Hello Segaboy and Mimetic,

There is an update (v 1.9.1) that fixes many performance related issues. Please give it a try.


M.Y. Developers

Where do we find that? What’s the URL?

Hello Mimetic,

sorry about that.

Help-> Check for updates.


M.Y. Developers