Hey everybody, i was having a headache with Lua Glider yesterday, navigator was really slow since we added a lot of files to our project, so today i decided to try and fix it myself. My problem was that Glider was using Java 1.6 instead of a newer one, since i have multiple java installations.
I’m running Glider on OSX 10.10.3. What i did was i opened package contents, to modify it’s Java configuration. The configuration file is located inside the package, at Contents>Resources>luaglider2>etc>luaglider2.conf
I opened the file and changed some settings, like memory, (Xms and Xmx to 512 and 1024) which had almost no effect, but then i noticed that the “jdkhome” variable was pointing to a local JRE that is bundled with Glider, which seems to be a 1.6 JRE. I opened a terminal and ran /usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7 to see if i had 1.7 installed, and i did. it returned “/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_67.jdk/Contents/Home” in my case, so i just replaced jdkhome with that, restarted Glider, and it now runs smoothly.
I have not tested with a newer Java version, seems I/O functions on 1.6 are not optimized. Here is what my conf file looks like now: