Hi, I’m new to both coding and solar2d.
From what I’m seeing, the script should work with the appropriate “functions” of going to another page. But what’s happening is, when I press the “Get Started” button, it redirects me to the next page. On page 2, I can press the back button to go back to the main page or recent page, the button works and takes me back to the previous page but there, I can no longer press the “Get Started” button.
–main lua–
-- Function to handle button tap
local function handleButtonTap(event)
if (event.phase == "ended") then
-- Create a button
local myButton = widget.newButton({
label = "Get Started",
onEvent = handleButtonTap,
emboss = false,
shape = "rectangle",
width = 200,
height = 75,
cornerRadius = 2,
fillColor = { default={0,0,0}, over={0,0,0} },
labelColor = { default={1,1,1}, over={1,1,1} },
fontSize = 25,
font = "Arial Black"
-- Position the button
myButton.x = display.contentCenterX
myButton.y = 400
-- Add the button to the display group
local sceneGroup = display.newGroup()
–2nd page–
--back button------
local function handleButtonTap(event)
if (event.phase == "ended") then
local myButton = widget.newButton({
onEvent = handleButtonTap,
emboss = false,
defaultFile = "images/shapes/back.png",
width = 20,
height = 20,
cornerRadius = 2,
-- Position the button
myButton.x = 50
myButton.y = 565
-- Add the button to the display group
local sceneGroup = display.newGroup()