Google Cloud Messaging GCM work in iOS?

I have GCM working on android version of my app that was built in Corona, but i can’t get the iOS to work. I got here by asking for help on the upwork site and I wanted onesiginal to send push notifications. The programer I used said he could make a backend and use GCM. His backend is nice and I like to use it.

I want to use it to send messages to both android and iOS. How do I get my iOs to make an “registration  ID”?

I think its a google play iD and I know I’m asking about iOS device. I do see other google plugins and code so I don’t see why this can’t be done. 

form an older post i could not see a conclusive answer

Push Notifications using GCM

Started by angelo.geminiani Sep 05 2015 09:05 AM


But as stated by DragonGameStudio

it will helpful that we have push notification for android and IOS in the same server,

also to send push notification with GCM we can do it by a HTTP request API, much easier to communicate between server  :slight_smile:


Thank you to the community.