This problem has been solved, but I’d like to recommend this information be made available for other developers from making this same mistake, as developers must upgrade their IAP plugin before Nov 1, 2021.
We all know that over months and years, Google (and Apple) often change the way in which our apps communicate with their backend for many things, including In-App Purchases.
Apparently, the Google Play console does not recognize my developer email address as an acceptable user for an Internal Test unless…
- I add my email address to the Internal Test list
- I go to the URL link provided for the Internal test from my Android device.
I wrote AND/OR because I did both, and I’m not sure which caused Google Play to stop causing the error.
@vlads ideally, instead of a generating an error message, the Solar2D (Corona) error could provide some details to prevent others from having to track down this issue.