I would like to know about the changes that Google is requesting to carry out by April 2022, in particular asks to update the SDKs to its latest version to be compatible with the application set IDs. In the notice it says:
"On devices with Android 12 or a higher version, the advertising ID will be removed when a user disables the customization with that ID in the Android settings.
For users who reject that customization to prevent fraud and denounce it, Google AdvoB recommends updating the Google ad SDK for mobile phones to a later version that is compatible with application set IDs.
Declare new permissions to use the advertising ID in applications that update your destination API level at 31 (Android 12):
In applications whose destination API level changes to 31 (Android 12), a normal Google Play services permit must be declared in the Android manifest file to use the advertising ID. In applications that do not request that permission and update your destination API level to Android 12, the advertising ID will be removed automatically and a zerose chain will be used instead.
In the applications where the Google Ad SDK is updated for mobile phones to version 20.4.0 or a later, the permission will be automatically declared and the developers will not have to do anything to be able to continue using the advertising ID.
Review the modifications of the Google Play families policy and see if it is necessary to take a measure:
Finally, Google Play announced updates that clarify that, if one of the target audiences of applications are minor, applications may not transmit certain IDs (including advertising ID) of minors or users who have not specified their age.
For applications whose target audience also understands minors, we recommend updating Google Ad SDKs for Android mobiles or iOS to versions 20.6.0 and 7.67.0 (or later) respectively. In this way, when ad requests include content labels aimed at children with the TagForchildDirected (TFCD) or TagforunderageofConSent (TFUA) parameters, the advertising ID can not be transmitted. "
My question is, how is it so SOLAR2D prepared to meet these new policies? For example, version of Admob ad SDK is using?