Google rejecting app UPDATES that are not 64bit compliant, v3470

Hi folks.

Anyone else getting their app UPDATES (not new releases) rejected by Google for not being 64bit compliant?  Starting this afternoon Google has started to block app updates for me even in Internal Test, with this message (also attached):



This release is not compliant with the Google Play 64-bit requirement

The following APKs or App Bundles are available to 64-bit devices, but they only have 32-bit native code: 20.

Include 64-bit and 32-bit native code in your app. Use the Android App Bundle publishing format to automatically ensure that each device architecture receives only the native code that it needs. This avoids increasing the overall size of your app.


From what I heard, Corona was supposed to have got an extension for app updates to allow us to continue to post updates.  How we do identify our builds as from Corona to get this extension?  Or did Google rescind their extension for Corona?

The 64bit version of Corona still has lots of bugs and many plugins aren’t working yet, so I’m not interested in migrating right now.  We need to get our apps all updated by the end of the month to comply with Google’s new Family Policy (age screen, etc).  

I’ll investigate.


Thanks, Rob.  I opened a ticket with Google Play Console Support and they’re investigating on their side too.  I was able to upload as recently as this morning, but this afternoon I received this rejection. There’s nothing special about this game compared to our other 30, and they’re all built on the same engine we wrote on top of Corona.

Can you provide the Google Play URL to the app that was rejected?


Also, was this just a warning? I just uploaded a build using 2019.3490, the latest 32-bit only version and it spewed several warnings and threats that it wasn’t 64-bit, support SDK 28, and not optimized and it asked me to review it, but eventually I was able to submit the app.

Were you blocked completely, like Google Play’s developer console would not let you override the warnings?? Screenshots might also be helpful.


Here’s the Google Play listing:

Attached are two screenshots.

These are not warnings but a hard-stop error.  I uploaded about 25 releases to Google in the last few weeks so I know the difference between the usual skipable warnings (wrong SDK, not optimized upload, not 64 bit) and a hard stop error.  It is NOT possible to proceed with this error.

Google asked me for the APK and proof that I am using Corona, so I uploaded screenshots of the pre-compiled code and my APK to them.  They are reviewing it.

The strange part of this is that my other 25 releases went through but not this one.  There was no change in the code base, the Corona version, or signing key.  Very strange that they would allow so many of my other releases (with warnings) but hard stop this one.  Thankfully this was one of my lowest performing games…

Do you know how they identify the releases as coming from Corona?  Something in the APK?

Google got back to me. I don’t know the details of how this works, but they have a list of Corona apps that looks like it may have missed some apps. For the person that contacted us through support, will be granted an extension and should be rectified early next week. 

I don’t know how their process works/worked. I’ll share this URL with them to make sure they get it added to their list.

Anyone else running into it, please provide me the URL to the app and I’ll forward it on though it may take several days to get updated.


Thanks, will wait for their whitelist then.  All my other games unaffected so far.  Glad it wasn’t something I did.

Update: Google contacted me and told me the app was whitelisted.  Discarded the Release and uploaded a new APK and all is well now.

All of my other 23 updates went through without this problem, who knows why this one was forgotten.

So for any others with this problem: contact Google + Rob and a few days later you’ll be able to upload again.

Thanks again!

Hi Rob, I’m trying to push an update to an app that was removed from the Play Store some time ago, and am running into the same problem. I do still have the Play Store URL:

Any news on 64 bit support? I’ve been out of the loop for awhile.

UPDATE: Have contacted Google via the Play Console, but anything you could do would be most appreciated Rob.

UPDATE: Read the blog posts, am now up to speed, ignore me, thanks :slight_smile:

I’ll investigate.


Thanks, Rob.  I opened a ticket with Google Play Console Support and they’re investigating on their side too.  I was able to upload as recently as this morning, but this afternoon I received this rejection. There’s nothing special about this game compared to our other 30, and they’re all built on the same engine we wrote on top of Corona.

Can you provide the Google Play URL to the app that was rejected?


Also, was this just a warning? I just uploaded a build using 2019.3490, the latest 32-bit only version and it spewed several warnings and threats that it wasn’t 64-bit, support SDK 28, and not optimized and it asked me to review it, but eventually I was able to submit the app.

Were you blocked completely, like Google Play’s developer console would not let you override the warnings?? Screenshots might also be helpful.


Here’s the Google Play listing:

Attached are two screenshots.

These are not warnings but a hard-stop error.  I uploaded about 25 releases to Google in the last few weeks so I know the difference between the usual skipable warnings (wrong SDK, not optimized upload, not 64 bit) and a hard stop error.  It is NOT possible to proceed with this error.

Google asked me for the APK and proof that I am using Corona, so I uploaded screenshots of the pre-compiled code and my APK to them.  They are reviewing it.

The strange part of this is that my other 25 releases went through but not this one.  There was no change in the code base, the Corona version, or signing key.  Very strange that they would allow so many of my other releases (with warnings) but hard stop this one.  Thankfully this was one of my lowest performing games…

Do you know how they identify the releases as coming from Corona?  Something in the APK?

Google got back to me. I don’t know the details of how this works, but they have a list of Corona apps that looks like it may have missed some apps. For the person that contacted us through support, will be granted an extension and should be rectified early next week. 

I don’t know how their process works/worked. I’ll share this URL with them to make sure they get it added to their list.

Anyone else running into it, please provide me the URL to the app and I’ll forward it on though it may take several days to get updated.


Thanks, will wait for their whitelist then.  All my other games unaffected so far.  Glad it wasn’t something I did.

Update: Google contacted me and told me the app was whitelisted.  Discarded the Release and uploaded a new APK and all is well now.

All of my other 23 updates went through without this problem, who knows why this one was forgotten.

So for any others with this problem: contact Google + Rob and a few days later you’ll be able to upload again.

Thanks again!

Hi Rob, I’m trying to push an update to an app that was removed from the Play Store some time ago, and am running into the same problem. I do still have the Play Store URL:

Any news on 64 bit support? I’ve been out of the loop for awhile.

UPDATE: Have contacted Google via the Play Console, but anything you could do would be most appreciated Rob.

UPDATE: Read the blog posts, am now up to speed, ignore me, thanks :slight_smile: