Google SignIn no longer working on iOS

Is anyone else seeing issues? (or more importantly have this working?)

Since moving to build 3711 / iOS 18(.1.1) / Xcode 16(.1), multiple implementations of Google SignIn that had been working are no longer working since November (anything built October or before are still working).

The implementation has not changed and there are no errors but definitely not even calling onLoginComplete

I’ve reported via the plugin support, but not had anything back yet.

What does your code look like?

Edit NVM, looking though the code you sent

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I just pushed an update out and your code should be working

I will test with a new build as production builds still seem broken.

Please confirm what changed and explain what the fix was as the plugin didn’t show as having had any recent changes?

OK. Rebuild of same codebase now works.

What was the change / fix please?

^Update was posted
I updated the sdks and fixed the client id not syncing

Why did it stop working though.

Had you previously made a change or are you saying it was an Apple change that stopped it from working behind the scenes?