Got Distributed File Systems? (DFS)

Update: ** OOPS - I accidently put this in a ‘non-technical’ forum.  I saw ‘Off-Topic’ and since this is pretty far off topic, I chose this forum **

Hello all.  This is a bit off topic, but then again maybe not.  I have a friend doing some work with distributed file-systems (DFS) and she wanted to know if I knew anyone who had an opinion (likes and/or dislikes) regarding DFS.  

I told her it was unlikely, since I didn’t see there being much call to use DFS for app work, but then again, how can I be sure without asking…

So, if you use DFS and have likes and dislikes, please share them with me here, so I can share them with her.

She mentioned two particluar DFS implementations, but I’m interested in any and all feedback:

  2. CEPH