GPGS Achievements not displaying


I have GPGS working pretty well, I have made 20 or so achievements, but the issue is that they don’t pop up all the time (they are getting triggered because if I do an “” I can see they are there as expected.

I have noticed that if I log out and then back in again I get much more success with them showing (still not 100%).  Is anyone else having this issue?



PS. Is there a faster way to reset the achievements then going through them one by one?  Quite time-consuming during testing.

Hey Craig, it’s possible that you have some issues with gpgs.init() can you share your code for that part? 


Below is from my log in script,  just copy and pasted it so I hope it makes sense…



public.login = function(params) local callback = params and params.callback or nil local userInitiated = params and params.userInitiated or true local ignoreWaitingScreen = params and params.ignoreWaitingScreen or false local function gpgsLoginListener( event ) waitingM.removeWait() if event and event.isError then print("---------------------there has been an error logginh into GPGS") waitingM.update({text = "Loggin Unsuccessful", errorMessage = event.errorMessage }) else if == "login" and event.phase == "logged in" then print("logged in") common.settings["gpgsLoggedIn"] = true settingsM.updateSettings() gpgs.enableDebug() public.init() waitingM.removeWait() elseif == "login" and event.phase == "logged out" then print("logged out") common.settings["gpgsLoggedIn"] = false settingsM.updateSettings() public.destroy() end callback() end end local function gpgsInitListener( event ) table.print\_r(event) if event and not event.isError then --gpgs.logout() -- Try to automatically log in the user without displaying the login screen -- gpgs.logout() print("no error") gpgs.login( { userInitiated = userInitiated, listener = gpgsLoginListener } ) end end gpgs.init( gpgsInitListener ) if not ignoreWaitingScreen then waitingM.wait({text = "Logging in"}) end end

Hey Craig, it’s possible that you have some issues with gpgs.init() can you share your code for that part? 


Below is from my log in script,  just copy and pasted it so I hope it makes sense…



public.login = function(params) local callback = params and params.callback or nil local userInitiated = params and params.userInitiated or true local ignoreWaitingScreen = params and params.ignoreWaitingScreen or false local function gpgsLoginListener( event ) waitingM.removeWait() if event and event.isError then print("---------------------there has been an error logginh into GPGS") waitingM.update({text = "Loggin Unsuccessful", errorMessage = event.errorMessage }) else if == "login" and event.phase == "logged in" then print("logged in") common.settings["gpgsLoggedIn"] = true settingsM.updateSettings() gpgs.enableDebug() public.init() waitingM.removeWait() elseif == "login" and event.phase == "logged out" then print("logged out") common.settings["gpgsLoggedIn"] = false settingsM.updateSettings() public.destroy() end callback() end end local function gpgsInitListener( event ) table.print\_r(event) if event and not event.isError then --gpgs.logout() -- Try to automatically log in the user without displaying the login screen -- gpgs.logout() print("no error") gpgs.login( { userInitiated = userInitiated, listener = gpgsLoginListener } ) end end gpgs.init( gpgsInitListener ) if not ignoreWaitingScreen then waitingM.wait({text = "Logging in"}) end end