I have some problems with gpgs plugins (Built for release, android, corona version 2019.3508)
I’ve searched the forum, but I can’t find what I’m looking for, and after 4 days of struggling I have to ask for your help.
I’ve followed the leaderboard tutorial adapting it to work with achievements node.
This is all I’m experiencing:
with gpgs plugin:
1- I can login (with a pop-up notification) and then I get a pop-up notification for each unlocked achievement.
2- pop-up stops working after some inactivity (as if there is a connection timeout).
3- If I close the app (with or without some inactivity) when I run it again, I don’t see the login pop-up, neither the unlocked achievement pop-ups
4- if I kill the app I can start again from point 1
I’ve also notices that the init method looks useless because I can login with or without it. (I’ve ridden that this call was required in v1…)
with gpgs-v2 plugin:
I successfully login but I can’t see the welcome pop-up
unlock method receive no pop-up notifications (the listener is fired without errors and I can see the achievement in gpgs app)
I really don’t know what to do… Any hint?
In first place, is gpgs going to be deprecated? Shall I work directly with gpgs-v2?
Thank you in advance,
PS: Sorry for my english