Hi guys,
I am trying to implement custom daily leaderboard in my game, and getting very strange behavior:
My request is to get the top 5 players, when the local player have no score i do get top 5,
but after i submit a score for the local player the same call return response as “centered” call,
i am unable to get top scores if the player already played today…
[lua]commonData.gpgs.leaderboards.loadScores( {
leaderboardId = myCategory,
friendsOnly = false,
limit = 5,
timeSpan = “daily”,
reload = true,
listener = function(event2)
commonData.leaderboard.top = event2.scores
} ) [/lua]
btw -
1.leaderboards.show do work good for me and display the top players
2.i am using the latest daily build
Did someone get the same issue and manage to overcome it?
thanks , Barak