Hello there,
Apologies but 'tis me again, this time having issues with Snapshots.
I have acheivements and leaderboards working but simply cannot get snapshots on the go.
I can seemingly open a snapshot, but not read or write it’s contents (i.e. my actual game data). I have been using code examples from a few years ago but there is nothing using v3.
I repeatedly get: google.play.games.games.v1.SnapshotsExtended.ResolveSnapshotHead errors on Cloud console when attempting to use this API.
- I’ve tried different conflictPolicy settings.
- gpgs.snapshots.show() does nothing.
- I’ve tried checking for errors and isClosed()
- I’ve tried converting the contents to json.
- I’ve tried using resolveConflict (seemingly does nothing?)
I wonder if anyone in the know could provide an example for us please?
The documentation here: Solar2D Documentation — Plugins | gpgs3 | snapshots is not self explanatory and I’m struggling to understand the workflow - following: GPGSSnapshots/scenes/menu.lua at master · coronalabs/GPGSSnapshots · GitHub has not worked for me.
A small example project using v3 would be really awesome!!
Best wishes,