GPS Location Error The operation couldn't be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error0.)

I’ve been getting reports of this error from iOS testers:


GPS Location Error  The operation couldn't be completed. (kCLErrorDomain error0.)  

Has anyone else seen it and know how to prevent it?

Been getting this every now and then on launch on the device builds.

A quick Google of the error shows that it’s likely due to the device not seeing the GPS satellites or not being on WiFi to get location from there.


Weird thing is I still get the correct location and everything continuous to run just fine.

It could just be a temporary drop of signal from them.  The GPS needs to talk to three sat’s to work (or more if they are available). 


Been getting this every now and then on launch on the device builds.

A quick Google of the error shows that it’s likely due to the device not seeing the GPS satellites or not being on WiFi to get location from there.


Weird thing is I still get the correct location and everything continuous to run just fine.

It could just be a temporary drop of signal from them.  The GPS needs to talk to three sat’s to work (or more if they are available). 


Has anyone got experience of catching this error to handle it in a way that ‘fails gracefully’?

I have been getting this error too, even in a place where my connection speed is high. To the staffs and experienced developers here, Is there any solution to this?

Hi @VincentV, @Fixdit,

You may want to experiment with a method that checks the GPS on a repeating timer and, after a certain number of “failed” attempts, you can handle a graceful exit. Please see the example on the map API “getUserLocation()” page, which can probably be modified to use the “location” event listener instead:

Take care,


The GPS has nothing to do with your internet speed.  The GPS requires access to at least three satellites to triangulate your position. It sounds like from the other posters that the error happens but is harmless.  You can test the values coming back from the GPS events and if they are not right like (0, 0, and no time value, etc.) then you know you didn’t get a GPS signal that event and then you can handle it.

Are you using native.newMapView() or are you using the GPS event handler?


Has anyone got experience of catching this error to handle it in a way that ‘fails gracefully’?

I have been getting this error too, even in a place where my connection speed is high. To the staffs and experienced developers here, Is there any solution to this?

Hi @VincentV, @Fixdit,

You may want to experiment with a method that checks the GPS on a repeating timer and, after a certain number of “failed” attempts, you can handle a graceful exit. Please see the example on the map API “getUserLocation()” page, which can probably be modified to use the “location” event listener instead:

Take care,


The GPS has nothing to do with your internet speed.  The GPS requires access to at least three satellites to triangulate your position. It sounds like from the other posters that the error happens but is harmless.  You can test the values coming back from the GPS events and if they are not right like (0, 0, and no time value, etc.) then you know you didn’t get a GPS signal that event and then you can handle it.

Are you using native.newMapView() or are you using the GPS event handler?
