GPS on Windows Phone

Hello everyone.

I have a question. I’ve written the code to derive my position by GPS. This code works on iOS, but does not work on Windows Phone. So I ask: GPS is usable on windows phone or is not supported? I ask this because it is not written in the official documentation (, while for what concerns the use of mapView is clearly written the ban.

I leave the code used, which works on iOS.

 local Tentativo = 0 local function Posizionamento( event ) if ( event.errorCode or ( event.latitude == 0 and event.longitude == 0 ) ) then Tentativo = Tentativo + 1 if ( Tentativo \> 10 ) then native.showAlert( "Segnale GPS assente...", { "OK" } ) else timer.performWithDelay( 1000, Posizionamento ) end else LATI = event.latitude LONG = event.longitude print( "Latitudine: ", LATI ) print( "Longitudine: ", LONG ) end end Runtime:addEventListener( "location", Posizionamento ) ------------------------------------------------------------

If you can not use the GPS there is no other way to get its position?

Thank you in advance.

I don’t know if it is supported. I checked out the docs and it does not look like it. You should be able to in c# and .net to get gps if you really need gps. There is a tutorial similar to this here:

Unfortunately, we do not support GPS on Windows Phone.

We list out what APIs are supported on Windows Phone here…

If you need this feature, then you’ll have to implement it yourself using our .NET/Lua bridging APIs as documented here…

Thanks of responses and documentation links.

I don’t know if it is supported. I checked out the docs and it does not look like it. You should be able to in c# and .net to get gps if you really need gps. There is a tutorial similar to this here:

Unfortunately, we do not support GPS on Windows Phone.

We list out what APIs are supported on Windows Phone here…

If you need this feature, then you’ll have to implement it yourself using our .NET/Lua bridging APIs as documented here…

Thanks of responses and documentation links.