GPS tracking as a service to make ingress style games?

So Ingress is pretty cool - I would like to make games that use similar geotagging features.

I’m wondering if we have a mechanism for registering our app to get GPS location notifications?

As in, in the background monitor the location of the device and then pop a local alert or have the app open.

Let’s say I’m taking the bus to downtown from my house, and I cross some invisible “boundary”. The phone would buzz and open the app.

Or maybe if I went to some pizza place the app would buzz and I could “take over” the location?

Sort of like a 4square type of thing?

I’m looking at the location API - but I am thinking I have to do a timer? or is that how it is done? In that I register the location with the GPS on the phone and it calls into my app automatically?

You can have an app use “location services” for iOS and have the app fire location update in the background… Haven’t seen anything yet for Android (at least Non-Enterprise)…

 UIBackgroundModes = {"location"},

Under build.settings… iPhone -> plist

You can have an app use “location services” for iOS and have the app fire location update in the background… Haven’t seen anything yet for Android (at least Non-Enterprise)…

 UIBackgroundModes = {"location"},

Under build.settings… iPhone -> plist