my name is Flavio and I am a 21-year-old student of Informationtechnology from Germany interested in developing apps for Android and other platforms. Currently I am working on a simple highscore game, which can be very addicting. Unfortunately I am not the best graphics designer, though you could say I have some talent, but I was never able to apply the finishing touches to my graphics, so that I can say “it’s ready to be published”. Maybe I am to perfectionistic. However it would be awesome to have someone who takes care of the graphics so that I can fully concentrate on coding, because in the past designing has often consumed more time than coding. As my goal is not to earn money, but to have fun and improve my programming skills, I can not promise any profit, besides a share of the earnings from ingame ads or maybe some fame by giving you credits in the game.
If you’re interested you’re welcome to send me a message, so i can provide you with some detailed information about my idea.
Best Regards.