Gravity (physics) behaviour on some devices

Hello guys,

I think i found a crucial problem in the corona physics engine!

On my buddy’s device Xperia S the gravity reacts strange.

The problem is that the gravity reacts to slow. I have the default gravity for the y-axis. 

My app should run 60fps, but the problem is that the app runs on Xperia S only 30 fps and the physics engine thinks it runs at 60 fps, so the object are falling twice as slow as supposed. 

On my Nexus 4 and Xperia U the object (duo the gravity) falls at normal speed, but on the Xperia S the object falls twice as long as on Nexus 4.

This is a crucial problem since it ruins whole the game.

You can self simulate it by just test the physics samples from corona and set the fps to 60 and then run on Xperia S, as you see the objects will fall twice as slow as supposed.

May be i do something wrong but i think this is a crucial problem

Also the devices (like galaxy S3) that are in powersave mode have the same issue!

My conclusion: physics engine thinks that the app is running on 60 fps, but it is actually running on 30fps

PS: this happened on graphics 1.0 and graphics 2.0