Gravity sometimes not working

I create an endless runner platformer game.

I create blocks and add physic to them for use as obstacle and platform for my character

It work perfectly when my character landing on single block.

But when it land on sequence of blocks. When my character ran off. It does not fall to the ground as I expect.

any ideas? or Did I do something wrong?

Here is code for block physics body 

physics.addBody(block\_sprite, "static", {shape={-64,-50, -64,64}}, {shape={-64,64, 64, 64}}, {shape={-50,-64, 64,-64}})

And for my character

physics.addBody(character, "dynamic", { bounce=0.0, shape = { 60, -38, 60, 75, -40, 75, -40, -38 } } )

I stuck on this issue for a week :frowning:

Try to put some fritction = 0.3 or something around in the physics option , it’s could resolve it

How are you moving your character? applyForce or with transitions?

Thanks everyone.

I move character by calling setLinearVelocity()

Thanks everyone.

I move character by calling setLinearVelocity()

Thanks everyone.

I move character by calling setLinearVelocity()

Try to put some fritction = 0.3 or something around in the physics option , it’s could resolve it

How are you moving your character? applyForce or with transitions?

Thanks everyone.

I move character by calling setLinearVelocity()

Thanks everyone.

I move character by calling setLinearVelocity()

Thanks everyone.

I move character by calling setLinearVelocity()